Andrew Gn spent two years perfecting his first handbag range, which he debuted on the runway last Sunday. “I’m a bag boy,” the designer joked during a studio visit. “I really wanted something beautiful, something that reflected the couture-like ambience of my clothes. But it also had to be really functional, because a bag has to hold everything. For me, that includes my sketch pad, my iPad, some caramels, and a cashmere scarf,” he explained. “When I travel, my bag’s my home.”
Gn kept all this in mind when conceiving his four Fall handbag styles. The designer offers the Cargo, a large bag with military-inspired side pockets; the streamlined Duchess; the versatile Day ’N’ Night clutch; and the Pocket, a diminutive evening bag with a semiprecious-stone-studded chain strap. Rich color is a Gn hallmark, and he chose shades like cognac, rust, bottle green, midnight blue, and purple for his handsome box-calf wares. The designer also came up with a clever way to make his mark: In lieu of a logo, he punctuated the bags with faceted tigereye, amethyst, and chrysocolla studs, each of which is hand-cut in Florence.
Andrew Gn’s handbags range between $850 and $1,800, and will launch with the Fall collection.
—Tina Isaac
Photo: Courtesy of Andrew Gn
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