One of the most shocking fashion statements Lady Gaga can make is none at all. In the new issue of Harper's Bazaar, she proved this by baring all.
While it's not exactly a Lady Gaga nude photo shoot in the usual sense of the word, her face is certainly unmasked, fresh and nearly makeup free.
Seriously, it's hard to believe this is even her ...

"Whether I'm wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I'm always the same person inside," the 25-year-old pop star tells the mag in its October issue.
"I try to not focus on what people expect from me. I think what has been lovely about my relationship with the public is they expect something unexpected."
Somewhat similar to Madonna, one might say.
Anyway, she keeps us on our toes, even when abandoning the outrageous getups that have been her trademark. Check out more Lady Gaga pictures below:

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